Backup контакты, календарь, photos and videos from Apple iPhone 4

Available guides for synchronization to the secure cloud
Supported functions
- contact synchronization
- calendar synchronization
- photo synchronization
- video synchronization
- automatic sync
Apple iPhone 4 is supported on PhoneCopy. Please note that following settings may vary a little depending on the firmware version.
Text guideline - How to backup
From Apple iPhone 4
- Скачайте приложение PhoneCopy для iPhone / iPad (PhoneCopy3G для iPhone 3G)
- После запуска приложения, войдите в свой аккаунт или создайте новую учетную запись.
- Выполните синхронизацию при помощи приложения. Синхронизированные контакты можно просмотреть на сайте
In the case of problems with synchronization, please contact us.
To Apple iPhone 4
Руководящего положения еще не было переведено на ваш язык.
If you want to transfer contacts from PhoneCopy to your IOS device please use following screenshot guide.
- Install PhoneCopy for iPhone / iPad from App Store.
- Launch it and follow the guide that opens. Sign on if you already have a PhoneCopy account or register if you want to create a new one.
- Authorize access to contacts and then select sources (accounts) that you want to synchronize. Next authorize access to media and then select whether you want to synchronize photos and/or videos. If you do not allow PhoneCopy access to your media, only your contacts will by synchronized.
- If you already have media on your PhoneCopy account you can opt in to synchronize (download) them to this device.
- Finally tap on "Synchronize" to perform the complete synchronization.
More detailed informations and instructions with screenshots: how to backup and synchronize contacts from iPhone.
In the case of problems with synchronization, please contact us.
Комментарии пользователей
- The iPhone application need not to be associated with profile as for other phones, all is automatic.
- The application for iPhone cannot synchronize SMS and notes, because the Apple does not allow application access to them.
- You can synchronize your calendars with PCalendars application.
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help import sms in iphone example ? rqcesa, 28.09.2020
Sorry, we don't provide SMS import to iPhone. We can only export it from iPhone to PhoneCopy.