Nokia Lumia 520 dan yedeklenen kişiler, takvim ve görevler

Nokia Lumia 520

Available guides for synchronization to the secure cloud

Supported functions

  • Kişiler senkronizasyonu
  • Takvim senkronizasyonu
  • görev senkronizasyonu
  • Otomatik senkronizasyon

Nokia Lumia 520 cihazını PhoneCopy desteklenmektedir. Please note that following settings may vary a little depending on the firmware version.

Confirmed models

phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.12534.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.12562.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.12634.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.12648.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.12666.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.12985.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13005.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13016.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13039.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13048.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13053.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13058.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13065.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13067.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13070.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13073.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13080.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13086.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13090.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13111.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13129.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13169.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13175.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13248.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13281.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13333.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13384.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13522.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.13752.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14041.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14267.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14283.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14291.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14295.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14322.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14328.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14332.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14342.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14356.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14361.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14367.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14371.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14372.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14379.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14383.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14385.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14388.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14390.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14393.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14905.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14915.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14926.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14936.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14946.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14951.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14955.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14959.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14965.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.14977.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15007.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15025.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15031.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15043.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15047.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15051.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15055.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15063.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15204.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15207.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15208.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15210.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15213.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15215.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15226.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15228.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15230.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15235.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15240.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15245.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15250.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15252.0
phonecopy for windows phone 10.0.15254.0
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.7712
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.7713
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.7720
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.7740
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8107
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8112
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8336
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8773
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8779
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8783
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8835
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8847
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8858
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8860
phonecopy for windows phone 7.10.8862
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.10211.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.10322.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.10327.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.10328.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.10492.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.10501.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.10512.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.10517.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.10521.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.10532.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.9900.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.9903.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.9905.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.0.9908.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.12311.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.12344.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.12349.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.12359.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.12382.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.12393.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.12397.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.12400.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14141.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14147.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14157.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14167.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14176.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14192.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14203.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14214.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14219.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14226.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14231.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.14234.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.15101.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.15116.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.15127.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.15137.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.15143.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.15145.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.15148.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.15153.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.10.15165.0
phonecopy for windows phone 8.15.12498.0

Confirmed versions


We detected PhoneCopy app on Nokia Lumia 520 phone in Serbia. All kişiler ve takvim were backed up.
Someone used PhoneCopy for backup of this phone model in Ethiopia. His kişiler were transferred.
We just got first user of Nokia Lumia 520 in Tunisia! Someone just backed up his kişiler from a new phone.
Recently we got new user of Nokia Lumia 520 also in Belarus. He is using PhoneCopy for backup of kişiler.
Recently we got new user of Nokia Lumia 520 also in Zimbabwe. He is using PhoneCopy for backup of kişiler.

Nokia Lumia 520 users around the world

Nokia Lumia 520 is preffered for contact backup by PhoneCopy users around the world - Czechia (Czech Republic, Česká republika) - 32.30%, Russia (Rossiya, Rossiâ, Россия) - 8.70%, India (Bharôt, ভাৰত, ভারত, Bhārat, ભારત, भारत, Bhārata, ಭಾರತ, Bhāratam, ഭാരതം, Bharôtô, ଭାରତ, ਭਾਰਤ, भारतम्, Bārata, பாரதம், Bhāratadēsam, భారత దేశం) - 8.07%, Romanya (România) - 6.83%, İngiltere (Y Deyrnas Unedig, Unitit Kinrick, Rìoghachd Aonaichte, Ríocht Aontaithe, An Rywvaneth Unys) - 5.59%, Polonya (Polska) - 4.66%, Almanya (Deutschland) - 4.35%, United States (Estados Unidos, États-Unis, ‘Amelika Hui Pū ‘ia) - 3.42%, Bulgaristan (Bulgariya, Bălgarija, България) - 2.48%, İtalya (Italia) - 2.17% and 32 other countries.

On the map

The map shows usage of Nokia Lumia 520 for contact backup with PhoneCopy around the world.

Talimat metni - Nasıl yedekleme yapılır

Nokia Lumia 520 'dan

Talimatlar henüz sizin konuşma dilinize çevrilmemiştir.
PhoneCopy application can be used only for exporting contacts from your phone. If you need to transfer contacts from PhoneCopy to your device, please use following screenshot guide.
  1. Download PhoneCopy application from
  2. Open PhoneCopy application.
  3. Fill in Username and Password.
  4. Press Export to

Your contacts were copied to server.

You can see synchronized contacts on the

If you need more help, visit our step by step screenshot guide.

Senkronizasyon esnasında herhangi bir problemle karşılaşırsanız Yardım İsteyin

Nokia Lumia 520 'a doğru

Talimatlar henüz sizin konuşma dilinize çevrilmemiştir.
The ActiveSync protocol does not enable access to the contacts which are already in the phone. So the following guideline cannot be used for exporting contacts from the phone. For exporting contacts from your device, please use another screenshot guide
  1. Before you start setting up your phone, make sure that you have already registered on the website Into the phone you will enter the same user name and password that you used during registration.
  2. From main menu of the phone choose People and press Set up account and Outlook.
  3. Configure given fields:
    Email address
  4. Click sign in. Phone should download all settings and begin to sync automatically. If it does not so, continue with following steps.
  5. Configure a new field:
    User name
  6. Click sign in and in the following dialog choose advanced and click show all settings
  7. Configure new fields:
    Account name
    Download new content
    Leave as items arrive
    Content to sync
    Select Contacts and Calendar, uncheck Email.
  8. Click sign in.

Now the contacts should automatically synced to the phone. You can see synchronized contacts on the

In case of any problem you can check the configuration settings: from main menu choose Settings, email & accounts and PhoneCopy.

If you need more help with the settings, visit our step by step screenshot guide "How to synchronize contacts to Windows Phone".

Senkronizasyon esnasında herhangi bir problemle karşılaşırsanız Yardım İsteyin