Nokia 6303i classic dan yedeklenen kişiler, takvim ve notlar

Nokia 6303i classic

Available guides for synchronization to the secure cloud

Supported functions

  • Kişiler senkronizasyonu
  • Takvim senkronizasyonu
  • Notlar senkronizasyonu

Nokia 6303i classic cihazını PhoneCopy desteklenmektedir. Please note that following settings may vary a little depending on the firmware version.

Confirmed models

nokia 6303ci
nokia 6303i classic

Confirmed versions

v 10.80 21-01-11 rm-638 (c) n..
v 09.83 21-09-10 rm-638 (c) n..
v 07.10 25-03-10 rm-638 (c) n..
v 06.61 08-02-10 rm-638 (c) n..


Nokia 6303i classic phone was synchronized by PhoneCopy user in Hollanda. His kişiler were transferred.
Nokia 6303i classic phone was synchronized by PhoneCopy user in Polonya. His kişiler were transferred.
Nokia 6303i classic phone was synchronized by PhoneCopy user in Bulgaristan. His kişiler were transferred.
This phone model was just synchronized by PhoneCopy user in Libya. It transferred kişiler.
Nokia 6303i classic phone was synchronized by PhoneCopy user in Philippines. His kişiler were transferred.

Nokia 6303i classic users around the world

According to our statistics, PhoneCopy users use Nokia 6303i classic for data backup in countries Czechia (Czech Republic, Česká republika) - 98.81%, Armenia (Hayastán, Հայաստան) - 0.26%, Macaristan (Magyarország) - 0.16%, İngiltere (Y Deyrnas Unedig, Unitit Kinrick, Rìoghachd Aonaichte, Ríocht Aontaithe, An Rywvaneth Unys) - 0.10%, India (Bharôt, ভাৰত, ভারত, Bhārat, ભારત, भारत, Bhārata, ಭಾರತ, Bhāratam, ഭാരതം, Bharôtô, ଭାରତ, ਭਾਰਤ, भारतम्, Bārata, பாரதம், Bhāratadēsam, భారత దేశం) - 0.10%, Polonya (Polska) - 0.10%, Bulgaristan (Bulgariya, Bălgarija, България) - 0.10%, Iran (Īrān, ایران) - 0.10%, Philippines (Pilipinas) - 0.10%, Libya (ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ, Lībiyā, ليبيا) - 0.05%, Hollanda (Nederland, Nederlân) - 0.05%, Serbia (Srbija, Србија) - 0.05%.

On the map

Following heat map shows contacts synchronisations with Nokia 6303i classic using PhoneCopy across the globe.

Talimat metni - Nasıl yedekleme yapılır

Nokia 6303i classic ile

Talimatlar henüz sizin konuşma dilinize çevrilmemiştir.
  1. Choose Menu - Settings - Configuration - Personal config. sett..
  2. Press Options and choose Add new - Synchronization and configure given fields.
    ▼ hide fields
    • Account name: Write PhoneCopy and press OK.
    • Server address: Write and press OK.
    • User name: your_username
    • Password: your_password
    • Contacts database: To Database address write contacts. Do not fill in any user name or password. Press Back.
    • Calendar database: To Database address write calendar. Do not fill in any user name or password. Press Back.
    • Notes database: To Database address write notes. Do not fill in any user name or password. Press Back.
    • Use pref. access pt.: Choose Yes,If you want to use your preferred access point GPRS to connect to PhoneCopy. otherwise choose No, and set up the access point at your operator.
  3. Press Back, go to the name of the profile you have just created, and press Options and choose Activate.
  4. Press twice Back and choose Sync and backup - Data transfer.
  5. Find Server sync, press Options and choose Edit.
  6. Choose Synchronized data mark the items you want to synchronize and press Done or Back.
  7. Press twice Back.
  8. Now you can start the synchronization with Phonecopy, press Server sync.

If you need more help with the settings, visit our step by step screenshot guide.

Ve lütfen şimdi, Telefonunuzu PhoneCopy hesabınıza atama işlemini yapınız

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